Sunday 18 November 2012

Getting To Know My Character

Having the image planes I still wasn't sure where to go with the character. I couldn't decide whether to make it bipedal or move like a real fly. So I made a very quick model and rig, which took me only an hour to make. Having it done I could get an idea of the 3d form of the Fly and I could easily experiment with different poses.

Here are few examples of possible posses:

All of them really helped me out. But to get even more from those poses, I decide to animate them.

First animation is just a test of the rig. I wanted to see if I can move every bit I want.

Then I moved to very fly-like animation. But instead of completely mimic a real fly, I wanted it to look intelligent. So I slowed the animation and gave the Fly some head movement to make it look like it's thinking.

After then, I made a bipedal walk cycle. It was quite tricky to work with four arms. I like this animation, but on the other hand I think it's too much like 'A Bugs Life'.

Then I focused on flying. But since during a fly nothing really happens except the wings flapping, I focused on starting and landing.

All of those test worked. But all of them wasn't any exciting. They were very dull and been done million times. And suddenly a got one more idea of a pose. the fly would use four limbs to walk and two limbs just like human's arms.

I also made an animation test of this pose and I love it! It's dynamic, original and gives countless possibilities of more movement.

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